Wearable Sitz Bath Garments instructions for in the shower

While standing on a dry bathroom floor or dry tub/shower, put on the Sitz Bath Shorts or Briefs and pull them up snug against your upper leg/thigh. If using Sitz Bath Shorts, adjust each leg strap snug so that water will not leak out the best you can. If using Briefs, make sure the elastic is snug against your crotch. Once standing in the shower adjust temperature of the water spray to desired level. (WARNING-TEST water temperature with your hand first to ensure the temperature is not too HOT.) Pull out the elastic waist band slightly away from your body to allow the shower spray to fill up the shorts to cover your perineum area. Then if you prefer, tighten the waist cinch band and continue with the rest of your shower such as; washing your hair, washing the rest of body, shaving, etc.)

If you want to change the temperature, simply reach down and loosen a leg strap or elastic if using Briefs, then tighten and refill from shower spray again.

Add other minerals or essential oils at any time such as Epsom Salt.

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